5752 Blanding Blvd. - Jacksonville, Florida 32244 - Phone (904)771-2151

Salvation For All

Jesus’ work began in Israel among a people who knew the promise and the mission and the language of the scripture. The apostles’ work began there too, but it didn't end there, as the last chapter of Matthew attests: "Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations..." (Matthew 28:19).

We are encouraged to begin with compassion and learn the rest of the way. Take the first step and see where we will be led. For the disciple today as for the people of Israel at the foot the mountain and the apostles who traveled with Jesus, the situation doesn't change: the past is the guarantee of the future. God’s salvation, which is freely given to the Israelites and to the first and current followers (that’s us), must be freely be given away by us. We are in a long line of people who have freely received and must now freely give. There are no deals; this is the point of honor in the early Churxh it is a point of honor.

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

June 13, 1999

... we ... make Gid our boast through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. Romans 5:11

Plans for the Old Church

We are beginning for the renovation of the old Church. It will be used for various Church function. Originally we had thought of using part for the school and part for parish at-large activity. From listening to all the organizations, it seems we could not do justice both sets of needs. We hope to do something for the school later.

But, we do have 42 pews to dispose of. Each is 18 ft in length and are of solid wood. We were told by the experts that a fair price was $250 each. However, we want to let them go at @100 each, for parishioners. Give it your thought and see if they might be useful to you and at the same be something to remember your parish by.

Small Christian Community

There is a great story about a little girl who goes visit her grandmother. When she awakes the first morning she notices a picture of Jesus on the wall over the head of the bed. On the opposite wall is a mirror and from her position, propped up by pillows she sees the reflection of Jesus in the mirror. The little girl wanted to examine this more closely so she stood up in bed but she blocked the reflection. She lay back down and once again saw Jesus. After repeating this several times she sought out her Grandma and explained that when she saw herself she couldn't see Jesus. Her Grandma told her that when self fills our vision we do not see Jesus. Come reflect at a Small Christian Community. Call Sr. Patricia at 771-2152 or Donna Howard at 772-1185.


National Council of Catholic Women

Mary’s Garden collected $944 toward the $1000 needed for the cornerstone at the Basilica in Washington D.C. we are still getting donations, and I’m sure we will make it, thank you to the priests, sisters, parishioners and feiends of Sacred Heart for your support. We did it together.

The "Weight" is Over

The Elizabeth Ministry cookbooks are here and will be available for purchase after the Masses in the Parish Center.

Back by Popular Demand

Sacred heart’s Council of Catholic women will be hosting the next

Parish Potluck Dinner

Saturday, June 19, 1999 after the 5:00 Mass.

We had such a great turnout at the last one everyone wanted to do it again. Bring your favorite dish (make enough for your family plus three other people), the Council will provide the meat. There will be entertainment for the kids. Reservations are needed by June 14. Call Dot Bowen at 771-2869.

Summer Fun

If any family would like to donate or sell, at a reasonable rate, a pool table for the Summer Fun program we would appreciate it. We also are looking for games or Legos. Please drop off at Summer Fun in the Parish Canter or call the office at 772-1010.


School News

A new Diocesan ruling will require fingerprinting of all volunteers and field trip chaperones. There will be a time schedules scheduled later this summer for the fingerprinting here at the parish. The fee will be $15.

Bob West’s Baseball Camp

June 14-18, 9:00 AM 12:00 noon: ages 8-17: Cost $85 the camp employs numerous stations and drills as well as individual instruction emphasizing the importance of fundamentals at each position. The camp also features a daily hitting session with each camper taking over 100 swings.

Todd Orlando’s Lady Crusaders Basketball Camp

June 14-18 for grades 7, 8 &9: June 21-25 for grades 4, 5 &6: 8:30 – 11:00A.M.:Cost $75 per week at Bishop Kenny, for more information call Todd Orlando at 398-7545.

Marriage Preparation

Begin visiting your priest 8 to 13 months before the wedding even before setting a firm date. In addition to meeting with as priest you will be asked to attend diocesan programs.

Registration is mandatory for all Programs

Engaged Encounter will be held August 13-15. Jacksonville PreCana will be July 17. Cana Again a program for those entering a subsequent marriage, is provided by specially trained sponsor couples. To register for all of the above programs call the Diocesan Center for Family Life at (904)308-7474 or register online at www.dcfl.org.


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Bruce E. Masters

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This page last updated 06/15/1999.